Informadme de las novedades de: KMRU & KEVIN RICHARD (THE BUG)
- Géneros: Sound explorers - Experimental
- Géneros: Industrial - Noise
- Lanzamiento: 2024-09-02
Ref.: R55199
pvp: 37,00 €
Información detallada:
Los dos pesos pesados Kevin Richard Martin (The Bug) y Joseph Kamaru (KMRU) se unen en Disconnect., Kevin Martin conoció al músico ambiental keniano KMRU «viendo el corto documental Under The Bridge de 2020», nos cuenta. «Aparte de que me impresionó de inmediato la forma en que Joseph aborda el sonido y la música, también me pareció que su voz hablada poseía una calidad tonal cautivadora y cadenciosa, con su acento suave». A raíz de esto, Martin indagó en los discos de Kamaru, y no sólo encontró un espíritu afín en la hábil exploración del espacio sónico, sino también un fan de The Bug. Así comenzó una relación de respeto mutuo y admiración recíproca por el trabajo de cada uno y, finalmente, floreciendo en una invitación enviada por Kevin a Joseph para colaborar en un nuevo álbum.
Esta habilidad para identificar, aislar y explotar lo atípico es un rasgo compartido por ambos músicos y empleado con un efecto devastador en Disconnect. El disco es tan profundo, expresivo y cautivador como podemos esperar de Kevin Richard Martin, Y es tan evocador y único como el canon KMRU , cada objeto colocado delicada y deliberadamente para que el mosaico tímbrico se construya con una belleza resplandeciente e hipnótica
Twin heavyweights Kevin Richard Martin (The Bug) and Joseph Kamaru (KMRU) unite for Disconnect, a powerful study of dread, hope, and profound sonics that marries depth-trawling dub with Kamaru’s voice, ambient sensibilities, and negative space. Kevin Martin first became aware of Kenyan ambient musician KMRU “watching the short 2020 documentary Under The Bridge,” he tells us. “Which, aside from immediately finding Joseph's approach to sound and music so instantly impressive, I also found his spoken voice possessed a captivating, lilting, tonal quality, with his soft-spoken accent.” Following this, Martin dug into Kamaru’s records, and found not only a kindred spirit in skillful exploration of sonic space, but also a fan of The Bug. So began a mutually respectful relationship, initially held in Instagram DMs and reciprocal admiration for each other’s work and eventually blossoming into an invitation sent by Kevin to Joseph to collaborate on a new album. The results - debut collaboration album Disconnect - collect a back-and-forth creative dialogue that started life in Martin’s studio. “I think I surprised Joseph by suggesting he contributes vocals,” Martin tells us. This ability to identify, isolate and exploit the nonstandard is a trait shared by both musicians and employed to devastating effect on Disconnect. Its vocals, sitting somewhere between intonation and spoken word, capture the ear and fizz with simmering power. They are indeed a surprise, coming from a musician specialising in instrumental, field recording-laced ambient musics, but tell intensely evocative stories, weaving poetry into the pair’s grandiose greyscale musical architecture. The record is just as deep, expressive, and arresting as we can expect from Kevin Richard Martin, following his acclaimed rescore of Solaris (released in 2021 on Phantom Limb) and a handful of self-released solo albums that explore a sound just as heavy as The Bug but at a menacingly slower pace. And it is just as evocative and unique as Kamaru’s KMRU canon, each object delicately and purposefully placed so the timbral mosaic builds with shimmering and hypnotic beauty.Tracklist
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